To manage a business that has as little negative environmental impact as is practically and economically tenable requires more than just choosing the most appropriate fuel for the vehicles. Environmentally certified electricity supplies, LED lighting in the terminals and offices and increasing the use of more environmentally friendly refrigerants are just some examples. In our overall efforts to work with the environment, Syd Frys has installed in the past year the final part of a new cooling system in Hyllinge. This system uses the ammonia-based refrigerant NH3 which is more reliable, environmentally friendly and energy efficient than previous formulas and according to the industry, exchanging older systems for the NH3 results in an energy saving of up to 20%. Additional advantages with using ammonia as a refrigerant is that it already exists in nature and unlike its predecessors has no impact on the ozone layer. And a further benefit is the superior cooling effect from ammonia which translates into much lower temperatures if that is a requirement. Now that the plant in Hyllinge is updated with NH3 it is totally futureproofed. In accordance with our high ambitions to reduce our climate footprint we sent the old refrigerant away for destruction.