The challenge of reaching out to all staff when you are geographically spread from Umeå to Staffanstorp can be quite difficult. In addition, when the majority never sitting at a computer but spend their working time in a truck or on a terminal, the challenge becomes even greater. We at Tempcon have therefore chosen to invest in a digital communication platform in the Wker app. Wker has a clear and simple interface that many are used to today. This in combination with a flexible and adaptable content means that we in the app can manage our entire intranet while we get a direct communication channel to all employees. We can work here with both Group-wide communication and document management, while the subsidiaries can get their information and documents to their staff.
The app is developed by the company WIP from Karlskrona and handles in addition to communication and document reports and a lot of other things. The reporting tool in particular has proven to be a welcome resource for our Management System in terms of deviation reporting. Something that received very positive attention in connection with the latest audit. With a common communication system, we at Tempcon are now taking a big step forward towards connecting our companies and our more than 1 000 employees.