Another one of Tempcon’s subsidiaries is now certified according to Fair Transport. It is Erling Andersson Åkeri with headquarters in Skara and traffic throughout southern and central Sweden as well as to the north. Stefan Ohlmander, CEO at EA Åkeri, says that we are proud to have passed our certification by Fair Transport, the transport industry’s sustainability certification of goods transport by road. As certified, we show that EA is a serious player on the market who takes great responsibility. It will strengthen both our brand and our competitiveness.
Fair Transport is associated with quality, high environmental requirements and being a fair employer. The person who carried out the extensive work before the certification is Emma Sandberg. On daily basis, she works with the company’s management system and monitoring driving and rest times.
Since you are already certified for four ISO standards, 9001 (quality), 14001 (environment), 22000 (food safety) and 39001 (traffic safety), has that facilitated the work before the certification for Fair Transport?
– Of course, I have benefited greatly from having the documentation that we have thanks to the ISO certifications, but it has still been extensive work to get everything together for Fair Transport, says Emma. There is a lot of material that must be produced and adapted to Fair Transport and it is important to keep track of everything.
What has been the biggest challenge with the job?
– The whole work in itself, Emma thinks. It is extensive work that takes a lot of time, but it has been a project with great fun.
What do you think are the advantages of being certified according to Fair Transport?
– I am convinced that we are increasing our competitiveness, says Emma. That we are a serious player in the market and that through this we attract new employees and customers.
Fair Transport was founded by Sweden’s Haulage Company in 2012. At the launch a couple of years later, Fair Transport was a position to highlight and draw attention to healthy transport from responsible haulage companies. Haulage companies that drive traffic safely, think climate-smartly and offer good working conditions. Over the years, Fair Transport has developed and in 2021 Fair Transport became a sustainability certification for freight transport by road. A sustainability certification that enables carriers and transport buyers to jointly move towards the high environmental and climate goals, achieve healthy competition on equal terms and get closer to vision zero in traffic. The certification is reviewed every year by an external third party to ensure the high requirements.
Here you can read more about Fair Transport.