Tempcon Stockholm has been visited by officials from the Ministry of Infrastructure who wanted to come out and see the reality and inform themselves about what is happening in the industry from the hauliers’ perspective. Also present at the meeting were Jonas Råstedt and Stefan Nordbergh from Tempcon’s subsidiary Tommy Nordbergh åkeri and Jacob Hartman Berger, regional manager Stockholm/Uppsala at Sveriges Åkeriföretag and Ulric Långberg, industry and communications manager at Sveriges Åkeriföretag.
The visit began with a short tour where after the participants presented their business. The discussions then touched on a large number of subject areas such as cabotage, social dumping, the mobility package, fuel prices, night deliveries, the need for locally and centrally located hubs, load levels, etc.
From Tempcon’s side, we view this type of visit very positively, where the willingness to listen and have a dialogue with the companies is great. Because if you do not understand how the activities work, which you then have to enact laws, regulations and ordinances for, the risk is imminent that it will be counterproductive, even destructive. Through an ongoing conversation, we can together develop the industry so we can handle the challenges we all face.